Annual Report 2021

2 Governance framework for the compensation

2.1 Involvement of the shareholders

Over the past few years, the shareholders have played an increasingly important role in matters relating to compensation. In particular, the General Meeting approves the Articles of Incorporation and their compensation-related provisions. These are available here and cover the following:

In addition to the provisions of the Articles of Association, the Board of Directors submits the Compensation Report to the General Meeting every year for a consultative vote.

The following chart illustrates how the Annual General Meeting (AGM) exerts its “say on pay”:

graphic graphic

2.2 Compensation Committee

2.2.1 Organization and tasks

The Compensation Committee consists of three members of the Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting individually elects the members of the Compensation Committee for the term of office until the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. In its function as Human Resources Committee, the Compensation Committee also assumes other responsibilities. At the Annual General Meeting on April 21, 2021, Urs Riedener (Chairman), Robert F. Spoerry, and Dr. Heinz O. Baumgartner were elected to the Compensation Committee.

The Compensation Committee convenes as often as business requires, but at least three times a year. The tasks and responsibilities of the Compensation Committee comprise the following:

As a general rule, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, the CEO, and the Chief Human Resources Officer of the group (CHRO) are invited to join the meetings of the Compensation Committee in an advisory capacity. The Committee Chairman may also invite other individuals as appropriate. The Chairman of the Board of Directors and the CEO do not attend the meeting when their own compensation is the subject of deliberation.

The Chairman of the Compensation Committee reports to the Board of Directors on the activities of the committee after each meeting. The minutes of the committee meetings are made available to all members of the Board of Directors.

The following table summarizes the decision-making powers for the most important compensation-related topics as stipulated by the Articles of Association and the Organizational Regulations of Bystronic AG:

Decision-making powers



Compensation Committee


Board of Directors


Annual General Meeting




















Compensation policy









Maximum total compensation and benefits of the Board of Directors







approves (binding vote)


Individual compensation of the members of the Board of Directors









Maximum total compensation and benefits of the Executive Committee







approves (binding vote)


Individual compensation and terms of employment of the CEO









Individual compensation and terms of employment of the members of the Executive Committee









Compensation Report







approves (consultative vote)


The approval of the actual compensation of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee within the limits of the maximum compensation approved at the Annual General Meeting is the responsibility of the Board of Directors.

2.2.2 Focus topics in the reporting year

In the reporting year, the Compensation Committee held six meetings in accordance with a predefined annual schedule focusing on the following topics:

Review of the compensation strategy, policy, and governance

Motion to the Board of Directors on the compensation policy for members of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee

Review and adaptation of the compensation system for the Executive Committee, focusing on the Short-Term Incentive (STI) and the alignment with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria

Preparation of motions to the Annual General Meeting on the maximum total compensation and benefits of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee for the attention of the Board of Directors

Preparation of the Compensation Report for approval by the members of the Board of Directors

Compensation of the Board of Directors

Proposal of compensation for the next term of office

Compensation of the Executive Committee

Review and adaptation of management KPI

Review of performance targets, performance assessment, and target compensation

Benchmark studies related to compensation

Additional information about the tasks and activities of the Human Resources Committee/Compensation Committee are described in the Corporate Governance Report, Section 3.5 "Organization and definition of areas of responsibility" and in the "Human Resources Committee Report".

3. Compensation system and elements 1. Compensation at a glance

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